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results 17

Every crop gets its own made-to-measure coating


In southeast Austria it is impossible to grow greenhouse vegetables without coatings. Frutura has elevated crop protection into an art. Through means of continuous improvement, Frutura’s operating managers have developed an optimal approach for every variety. This means that Austrian consumers can purchase...

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ReduFuse IR is a coating that reduces heat radiation while diffusing the light when it enters the greenhouse.

ReduFuse IR – an excellent solution for many crops 


Due to the hot summers in recent years, many growers have been reconsidering their coating systems. ReduFuse IR’s advance is striking. This coating is a better solution for many crops. 

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Less disease and better quality under diffuse coating


Agrokultura Group is finding it easier to find the balance between optimal use of sunlight and crop protection. In the video, Sergei Volkov explains how ReduSystems coatings play an important role in this.

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Eliminate stress from your crops this summer


Plants really like being in a uniform environment. Any stress reduces production or results in a loss of quality. Coatings help you achieve a steady crop growing environment.

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How much light does my crop need?


There is an optimal amount of light for every crop. Too little means that production will be low. But too much will put pressure on the yield and quality. So custom work is always key.

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How to best convert light into production


Systematic cultivation produces the best possible fruiting vegetable production and quality. Crop consultant Wim van Wingerden highlights how the use of a light plan can increase production.

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Controlling growth with light: more in winter, diffuse in summer


For a grower, every ray of sunlight entering the greenhouse in winter is a bonus. Light is also welcome in summer, provided it is properly distributed throughout the crop. This can be achieved by combining coatings. Two vegetable growers are leaders in this field in the Netherlands.

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Hot summer of 2018 sparks more interest in diffuse coatings


The hot summer of 2018 was a learning curve for many growers. In extreme conditions such as those, the crop needs much more protection. With this in mind, many growers are taking a closer look at ReduFuse and ReduFuse IR.

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Calm in the nursery thanks to ReduFuse


On some days, sunshine is interspersed with clouds all the time. ‘Then you have to constantly make the choice of closing the shading or not. With ReduFuse, the nursery is much calmer.’

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Saving energy

Saving energy without technology


Technology is not the only way to save energy. Savings can also be made by making better use of the properties of the plant.

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Better quality with ReduFuse

Better quality with ReduFuse-coatings


The ReduFuse and ReduFuse IR coatings not only ensure that vegetable crops yield more, they also lead to a considerable improvement in quality: Less blossom end rot in cherry tomatoes and sweet peppers, no anthocyanin formation in yellow peppers and more productive high wire cucumbers.

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Sensitive sweetpoint peppers benefit from ReduFuse


Sweetpoint peppers are very sensitive to blossom end rot and sunburn spots. Since John Cappalonga of Gee Vee Enterprises started using ReduFuse these problems are under control.

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Sweet peppers benefit from diffuse light


Light is an important factor for achieving high yield and quality in a sweet pepper crop. Not only is the amount of light crucial, also its distribution during the day. Furthermore, the quality of the light, such as light colour and whether or not it’s direct or indirect is significant.

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Sweet pepper growers are fans of ReduHeat


The sweet pepper nurseries run by the Reedijk brothers, in Strijen and Westdorpe, the Netherlands, were some of the first to use ReduHeat. It prevents quality problems in the fruits. 

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Diffused light virtually always better


All fruit-bearing vegetable crops benefit from diffuse light. The total photosynthesis increases through better light penetration and reduced heat stress.

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